Introduction to Quantum Computation
This is the homepage of Math 421/521 Introduction to Quantum Computation offered in Spring 2021 at Bilkent University.
Instructor: Cihan Okay
Location: Zoom
Time: Mon 9:30-10:20, Wed 13:30-15:20
Grading scheme for Math 421: Take-home midterm (HW2) - %25, Final - %20, Homework (HW1-3-4 each %16) - %48, Attendance - %7
Grading scheme for Math 521: Take-home midterm (HW2) - %20, Final - %20, Homework (HW1-3-4 each %15) - %45, Oral presentation and report - %15
Textbook and other reading
Textbook of the course is Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang, Cambridge University Press (10th Anniversary edition).
Reading suggestions for a general overview:
Chapter I (1.1–1.6) from John Preskill’s lecture notes
Chapter I (1.1–1.5) from Nielsen–Chuang
Reader-friendly background reference sources:
Linear algebra done right by Sheldon Axler
Probability and random processes by Geoffrey Grimmett and David Stirzaker
Introduction to the theory of computation by Michael Sipser
Quantum computing resources other than the textbook:
Preskill’s online lecture notes
Quantum Computing since Democritus by Scott Aaronson
Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction by David Mermin
An Introduction to Quantum Computing by Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme, Michele Mosca
Classical and quantum computation by Alexei Kitaev, Alexander Shen, Mikhail N. Vyalyi
Weekly syllabus
Week 1 (Jan 27): Dirac notation, Inner product spaces, Linear operators
Week 2 (Feb 1): Eigenvectors and eigenvalues, Spectral decomposition
Week 3 (Feb 8): Polar and singular value decomposition, Postulates of quantum mechanics
Week 4 (Feb 15): Quantum measurements
Homework 1Week 5 (Feb 22): Applications: teleportation and superdense coding
Week 6 (Mar 1): Density operators
Week 7 (Mar 8): Schmidt decomposition, Bell inequalities
Homework 2: Take-home midtermWeek 8 (Mar 22)1: Models of computation: Turing machines, Circuits
Week 9 (Mar 29): Computational complexity
Week 10 (Apr 5): Quantum circuits, Universal quantum gates
Homework 3Week 11 (Apr 12): Quantum computational complexity, Quantum algorithms: Deutsch–Josza algorithm, Simon’s algoritm
Week 12 (Apr 19): Quantum Fourier transform, Phase estimation
Week 13 (Apr 26): Order-finding and Shor’s factoring algorithm
Homework 4Week 14 (May 3): Presentations: only Math 521, though everyone can attend.
Final: Time and Location will be announced.
Lecture notes
Lecture 1 - Linear algebra in Dirac notation (Last revised: Mar 10)
Lecture 2 - Postulates of quantum mechanics (Last revised: Mar 10)
Lecture 3 - Computational models (Last revised: Apr 5)
Lecture 4 - Quantum circuits (Last revised: Apr 14)
Lecture 5 - Quantum algorithms (Last revised: May 5)